Errors and codes that may appear on your display, what they indicate and possible solutions are as follows :

00 - this is the normal display and everything is fine;

E1 - Motor.  Make sure all connections from Motor to Controller are in place and firmly seated.  If so, the Motor may need replacing;

E2 - Controller.  Make sure there are no connection issues to\from the Controller.  It may need replacing;

E3 - Electric Brake has developed a fault and needs replaced;

E4 - Accelerator has developed a fault and needs replaced;

E5 - Low voltage protection.  A full charge of your Electric Scooter should resolve;

E6 - Communication fault between Motor and Controller.  Make sure all connections from Motor to Controller are in place and firmly seated.  If so, the Motor or Controller may need replacing;

E9 - Motor block protection.  Shut down your Electric Scooter and power it up again.